In a conversation last weekend I was asked if mindfulness can really make you feel better about your job. I had to think about it for a moment, because the way the question was phrased was a little different than the way I usually approach being mindful.
It’s because of my mindfulness practice that I was even able to look at things from this perspective. Pre-mindfulness I only cared about things like that from my perspective. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not self centered to a fault or anything. I just looked a life from my side a little too often.
I don’t think mindfulness makes you feel better about your job. For me, it makes me feel better about me. Where I am at that present moment, including the work I do. It makes me feel good because mindfulness allows me to look at the moment without judging myself. I am here, on this planet in this universe holding down this little piece of life. Part of that is working at a job I do well. Solving business problems and making things happen.
So I responded that no, mindfulness isn’t about making you feel better about your job. It allows you to put your job in its rightful place in your life. To understand your relationship to your job and the benefits you enjoy as a result. It boosts the feelings about the good stuff and minimizes the feelings about the bad stuff about work. Because what you focus on is what you draw more of to your life.
Mindfulness is a key component to creating a happier attitude toward your job. Because it makes you feel better about all of you, including the work you do.