The 3 Top Rules for Cubicle Farm Civility
Kindness to your colleagues includes appropriate behavior toward one another. It’s the little things that can annoy and irritate our coworkers. There has been an evolution of workplace design from offices to open cubicle environments. Because cubicles allow others sight, sound and smell access to your workspace, there is a need for cubicle manners in 2016.
Some people just don’t understand how to work in an open environment. Even if you are lucky enough to have high walls dividing your cubes, potentially blocking some of the sight lines, remember that folks can still hear you and smell the aromas emitting from your space, so act accordingly.
#1. Lunch at your desk
Stinky food. Crunchy food. Discarded food in your desk trash can. If people eat at their desks, which is more common now than ever, remember to ensure your food is not too pungent and doesn’t cause you to create a lot of crunchy sounds when you eat.
#2. Personal hygiene belongs at home.
Nail trimming. Hands or feet. Teeth flossing. Nail polishing – the smells, people, the smells! These activities belong in the rest room, or even better, handled at home.
#3. Phones
Using a speakerphone in a cubicle farm is just rude. No other way to say it. Get a headset. When using your cell phone, cut the ringer volume down, or put the phone on vibrate only. Have short conversations using a low tone of voice. Or excuse yourself to go to a conference room or somewhere more private for a longer conversation or one that involves private details (medical, financial, relationships, etc).
Respect the space. Because it’s space, not walls.
What other tips do you recommend?